Excellent 4.8 out of 5.0

Optimising human
performance through science.

Experiencing muscle mass loss due to inadequate nutrition affects performance and increases vulnerability to injuries.
Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) is prevalent among all sorts of high-performing individuals.
Barr is formulated with ingredients that have been researched for their potential role in muscle recovery and performance.

High performers can undergo extensive wear and tear during extreme physical exercises.
Musculoskeletal injuries (MSIs) and long-term osteoarthritis development are significant concerns in both physically demanding professions and sports.
These issues can negatively impact physical capacity.

Intense exercise often results in exercise-induced damage and wear & tear.
Insufficient calcium intake and higher-than-average calcium excretion.
Limited sun exposure can lead to vitamin D3 deficiencies, which can result in: fatigue, bone pain or achiness, muscle weakness, depression or feelings of sadness

Barr: ondersteunt herstel van spieren, botten en gewrichten, bevordert kraakbeenherstel, biedt antioxidante, ontstekingsremmende voordelen en ondersteunt eiwitsynthese.

Spiermassaverlies door ontoereikende of slechte voeding heeft negatieve invloed op prestaties en verhoogt de gevoeligheid voor blessures.
Skeletspierweefsel speelt een cruciale rol in het leveren van kracht en prestaties.
High performers krijgen vaak te maken met inspanning gerelateerde spierschade (EIMD).

High performers ondervinden aanzienlijke slijtage tijdens intensieve fysieke trainingen.
Spier- en skeletproblemen (MSIs) en de langdurige ontwikkeling van artrose zijn belangrijke aandachtspunten in zowel fysiek belastende beroepen als sporten.
Deze problemen kunnen een negatieve invloed hebben op de fysieke capaciteit.

Intensieve lichaamsbeweging kan leiden tot inspanning gerelateerde schade, en "wear & tear".
High performers kunnen een verhoogd risico lopen op een tekort aan calcium.
Beperkte blootstelling aan zonlicht kan leiden tot tekorten aan vitamine D3, wat kan resulteren in vermoeidheid, botpijn of spierpijn, spierzwakte, depressie of sombere gevoelens.

Supporting the cognitive and physical resilience of military- and emergency personnel

The science

Ontdek de wetenschap achter onze producten.

Meer informatie
The Quick Response Ration (QRR) is mission-ready meal replacement bar, specifically designed for military operations. Compact, lightweight, and nutrient-dense, the QRR is built to sustain performance during high-intensity missions, saving time, space, and weight.
Barr, an acronym for "Build, Aid, Recover, Repair", consists of seven carefully balanced and complementary nutrients and was designed to recover and strengthen, and relieve high-performers from the negative effects of wear & tear. Barr is the most complete, most advanced full-body recovery bar currently on the market. 

One box contains 12 units